Saint Patrick’s College Maynooth offers new eight-week ‘Lectio Divina’ online course

The ancient discipline of Lectio Divina has re-emerged in the last 25 years as one balanced way for all of the faithful to receive the Word of God, and to be sustained by it. It brings together the Scriptures and life — which Pope Francis calls “that inseparable pair.” (Address to the Catholic Biblical Federation, April 2019).

In a desire to sustain those involved in Lectio Divina, and to provide for their ongoing formation, Saint Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynooth, is offering an introduction to Lectio Divina via an online course over the next eight-weeks. Alternating between brief presentations which may be accessed at any point, and a fortnightly live lectio, this short course will provide a pathway through lectio divina while participants journey with the Sunday gospels of Lent.

Addressing the challenges of praying together during the Covid-19 pandemic has permitted many to gain confidence in negotiating virtual environments. Building on this confidence the course, under the guidance of Rev Professor Séamus O’Connell, aims to provide resources and support for the prayerful reading of the Scriptures in a way that will nourish the faith of the individual, and inspire the lives of our parish and diocesans communities.

For more information on how to apply for this course, visit


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