Safeguarding in our Parish
The Parish of Ballinlough is part of the Catholic Diocese of Cork and Ross.
We all share the responsibility for ensuring that our children grow up in an environment where they are respected and loved and are free from the danger of any form of abuse. Where children are involved in Church-related activities, the Diocese takes its responsibilities seriously. Our parish is guided by and audited by the Safeguarding Children Service of the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
The Diocese of Cork and Ross invites anyone with a child protection concern to contact the Diocesan Designated Officer, Ms. Cleo Yates on 087-3768599 or 021-4301717.Ballinlough
If you have a Safeguarding concern and wish to report it directly to the statutory authorities, the contact details are as follows:
North Lee Community Services, Blackpool, Cork. Tel: 021/492 7000
South Lee Community Services, St. Finbarr’s Hospital, Cork. Tel: 021/492 3001
West Cork Community Services, Skibbereen. Tel: 028/40447/40456
An Garda Siochana
Gardaí National Protective Services Bureau: Tel: 01/6663430/01/6663435
National Church Policy
All the constituent parts of the Catholic Church in Ireland have one whole-church policy on safeguarding. It is the policy that guides our diocese and our parish in its safeguarding practises. You can download it here as a free PDF file.
Safeguarding Representatives
Ballinlough Parish has a team of Local Safeguarding Representatives who have an important role in ensuring our parish’s compliance with the safeguarding policy. The members are volunteer parishioners who have undertaken training by the Diocesan Safeguarding Service. The are available to advise group and activity leaders and monitor parish activities that involve children. They are:-
Mercedes Campion – Contact through Parish Office +353 (0)21 4294332
Martin Leneghan – Contact through Parish Office +353 (0)21 4294332
Audit for Compliance
Our parish’s safeguarding practises are regularly reviewed and are audited by the Safeguarding Service of the Diocese each year.
It is the policy of the diocese — and of our parish — to have people who will have a direct involvement with children or vulnerable adults in our parish vetted by the National Vetting Bureau. This applies to a wide range of people. Read the Vetting Policy here.
Latest Parish News

Ash Wednesday Celebrations
Ash Wednesday 5 MarchDay of Fast and AbstinenceMass with distribution

Jubilee of Youth Pilgrimage to Rome.
Jubilee of Youth Pilgrimage to Rome LaunchBishop Fintan will lead