Holy Week Ceremonies: Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper 6pm followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Good Friday – Day of Fast and Abstinence- Stations of the Cross 11am; Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 3pm; Taizè Prayer around the Cross with members of the Ardfallen Methodist Church in the evening- time to be confirmed;
Holy Saturday Easter Vigil 7.30pm; Easter Sunday Masses 9am and 11am.
Confessions: Holy Thursday 12.30 and 5.30pm; Good Friday after Stations of the Cross and Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion; Holy Saturday 11.30am.
Special Collection on Good Friday is for the Holy Places, that is for the Christian communities in the Holy Land.
Collection on Easter Sunday is for the support of the Clergy.
Trócaire boxes may be returned to the church.