Please pray for
Please pray for Patrick Foran, Marble Hall Park, who has died.
Second Sunday After Christmas
Feast of the Epiphany

Monday 6 January Masses: 10am and 7.30pm. NO vigil Mass on Sunday evening.
Please pray for
Please pray for Wahmay Lin Keane, Ballinlough, who has died.
Please pray for
Please pray for Patricia Byron, Seamus Quirke Park, who has died.
Please pray for
Please pray for Jim Foley, Boreenamanna Road, who has died.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Please pray for
Please pray for Ellen O’Sullivan, South Lodge, and Christine Kelly, Ballinlough, who have died.
Christmas Mass Times

Christmas Masses Christmas Eve6pm and 8pm Christmas Day9am and 11am
Please pray for
Please pray for Noel Cashell, Silverdale, who has died.