Eucharistic Procession

Eucharistic Procession 2023 This year the Eucharistic Procession will take place on Sunday 11th June departing the Cathedral of St. Mary and St. Anne to Ss. Peter and Paul’s Church at 3pm.  This will be the 97th celebration of the Cork Eucharistic Procession as we look forward to its 100th anniversary in 2026.  This is also the first Cork Eucharistic Procession to take […]

Please pray for

Please pray for Donal O’Keeffe and Kathleen Hegarty who have died.

Please pray for

Please pray for Richard (Richie) O’Connor, Wallaces Avenue, who has died.

Ballinlough parish over 55’s golf

BALLINLOUGH PARISH OVER 55’5 MIXED GOLF SCRAMELE THURSDAY 11TH MAY 2023 Venue: Douglas Golf Club. Time:    10.30am to 12.20pm 9 or 18 holes, mixed scramble open draw. Entry fee:            €40 (cash) per person, price includes lunch.