Pope Francis’ upcoming liturgical celebration schedule released

The Holy See Press Office has released the schedule of upcoming liturgical celebrations that the Holy Father will preside over during the month of March. On Ash Wednesday, 2 March, Pope Francis will lead the statio orbis and a penitential procession beginning at 4:30 pm in the Church of Sant’Anselmo. He will then celebrate Holy […]
International inter-university congress in March shines the light on relevance of Women Doctors of the Church and Patron Saints of Europe in today’s world

Therese of Lisieux, Hildegard of Bingen, Teresa of Ávila, Edith Stein, Bridget of Sweden and Catherine of Siena are just some of the women chosen, by the Church, to offer hope and inspiration in times of daunting challenges and fear. Upholding the relevance of their work and the testimonies provided by their lives, Catholic academics […]
Webinar Series: Together Along the Way – Conversations on Catholic Faith Formation in Contemporary Ireland

‘Together Along the Way – Conversations on Catholic Faith Formation in Contemporary Ireland’ is the title of a new webinar series organised by the Council for Catechetics of the Irish Bishops’ Conference in partnership with Veritas. The webinar series will being together leading theologians, religious educators, and catechists to explore new avenues for Catholic faith formation […]