Synodal Church organizes major Symposium on the priesthood

A Theological Symposium entitled “Toward a fundamental theology of priesthood” aims to explore a host of issues including vocations to the priesthood, improving the way laypeople and priests work together, the mission of service, and priestly celibacy, to name just a few has been organised by the Congregation for Bishops at the Vatican from 17-19 […]
Bishop Michael Router welcomes World Day of the Sick Message by Pope Francis

Bishop Michael Router, chair of the Council for Healthcare of the Irish Episcopal Conference, has welcomed Pope Francis’ message for the World Day of the Sick, which is celebrated on 11 February, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. The World Day of the Sick is an initiative which was started by Pope Saint John Paul […]
Please pray for
Please pray for Theresa Bradley, late of Pic du Jer, who has died
Archbishop Martin invites all to join nine-Wednesday novena of prayer to Saint Patrick

Over the course of the next nine Wednesday nights, leading up until March 16, the vigil of Saint Patrick’s day, Archbishop Eamon Martin of Armagh will lead a novena for renewal of faith and prayer to Saint Patrick. This novena will visit various locations associated with Ireland’s oldest patron saint, such as Saul in Downpatrick, and Lough Derg, along […]