The deeper pandemic of domestic abuse in lockdown – Bishop Denis Nulty

“Domestic abuse, domestic violence, silent stonewalling are a much deeper pandemic that becomes all the more exacerbated in a pandemic lockdown.” Those were the words of Bishop Denis Nulty during the recent graduation ceremony of sixteen counsellors and nineteen graduates in Marriage Facilitation Ministry for Accord Catholic Marriage Care Service CLG at the College Chapel of Saint […]
During Advent ask what we should do for Jesus and others – Pope Francis

At the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis sayid the Advent Season is about asking ourselves how to prepare for Christmas and what we can do for Jesus and others, concretely, in our lives. On the Third Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis greeted the many pilgrims present, including many families with their children, who brought little statuettes […]
Maynooth College annual Christmas carol service to go ahead on Wednesday

At 7.30pm this Wednesday, 15 December, three Maynooth College and University choirs will gather in the historic College Chapel of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, for the annual Christmas carol service: the College Chapel Choir, directed by Dr John O’Keeffe; the Schola Gregoriana, led by Dr Darina McCarthy; and, Maynooth University Chamber Choir, under the direction […]