Pope Francis prays for victims of Wisconsin tragedy

Pope Francis said he is close to all those who have been affected by a tragic incident caused by a driver who drove through a Christmas parade in Waukesha in the suburbs of Milwaukee on Sunday. In a telegram, signed on his behalf by Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Pope assures the […]
“The private Catholic is, by nature, a poor missionary” – Bishop Deenihan

On Saturday 20 November 2021, Bishop Tom Deenihan celebrated the anniversary Mass for the anniversary of Frank Duff RIP in Saint Mary’s Pro Cathedral, Archdiocese of Dublin. Members of the Legion of Mary from throughout the country were in attendance and the Mass. During his homily, Bishop Deenihan said, “Frank Duff was, as you know, […]
Bishop Fintan Monahan offers Mass for ‘greater road safety awareness’

Bishop Fintan Monahan of Killaloe celebrated a televised Mass for World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victim on 21 November last. November is the month of remembrance for the dead, and Bishop Monahan drew attention to the purpose of the World Day of Remembrance for road traffic victims and their loved ones. Preaching his […]
Co Meath student reflects on attending Armagh ‘Service of Reflection and Hope’

In early September, when my dad asked if I wanted to join him, my mum and my younger sister Eliza to attend a special church service in Armagh on October 21st, my first reaction was this: “Cool! I have never been to Armagh and this will mean a day off school to meet some well-known […]