Knock Shrine to host Triduum to Saint Joseph

As the year of Saint Joseph draws to a close, plans are underway at Knock Shrine to mark the end of this special year with a Triduum to St Joseph from Friday 5 to Sunday 7 November, 2021. To celebrate the Year of Saint Joseph, Knock Shrine has commissioned a beautiful new statue. Designed and […]
Deadline extended for first phase of the synodal process

In order to “provide a greater opportunity for the people of God to have an authentic experience of listening and dialogue” during the recently launched synodal process, the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops has decided to extend the deadline of the first phase. In a statement, the General Secretariat of the Synod of […]
Eddie Gilmore publishes new book on his experieces as CEO of the Irish Chaplaincy in London

‘Looking Ahead with Hope’ is a collection of short pieces written by Eddie Gilmore over a three-year period in the course of his work as CEO for the London-based Irish Chaplaincy. The book is a weaving together of visits to such places as prisons, care homes and monasteries with travels further afield: pilgrimage on the […]