Bishop Brendan Leahy welcomes publication of Vatican document on Synodality

Bishop Brendan Leahy, Bishop of Limerick has welcomed the Vatican document on Synodality which was published on 7 September. Bishop Leahy said, “I welcome today’s publication by the General Secretariat for the Synod in Rome of the Preparatory Document, indicating the guiding principles of the Synod on Synodality that is due to take place in Rome […]
UK Bishops and faith-based organizations say ‘stop’ to the arms trade

As one of the world’s largest arms fairs prepares to kick off in London, the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales and of Scotland, together with a host of faith-based and Justice and Peace organizations, have voiced their opposition to the arms trade, echoing Pope Francis’ appeal for an end to the lucrative but lethal […]
Bishop Fintan Monahan welcomes preparations for upcoming Synod

Bishop Fintan Monahan of Killaloe has welcomed the beginning of preparations for the upcoming Vatican Synod. Speaking on 7 September, following the publication of the preparatory documents, Bishop Monahan said, “I wholeheartedly welcome the Preparatory Documents for the Synod on the theme of Communion Participation and Mission which we received from Rome yesterday. Pope Francis […]