Newsletter Sunday 30th May
Please remember in your prayers
Please pray for Renée Lane, Browningstown Park East, who has died
Nourish your faith this Summer with Knock Shrine

Knock Shrine has announced its Summer series of online events to nourish your faith this Summer. The series will see a selection of retreats and lectures offered online to provide time for reflection, enrichment and learning with others, all from the comfort of your own home. Scripture Summer School The Scripture Summer School will take […]
Pope Francis at Angelus: The living sign of God the Trinity is love for all

Pope Francis, during the Angelus from St Peter’s Square recalled the feast of the Most Holy Trinity this Sunday, describing it as an immense mystery which “exceeds the capacity of our mind, but which speaks to our heart, because we find it enclosed in that expression of Saint John which sums up all of Revelation: […]