COVID shows we care about life so let’s recognise that all life matters – Bishop Leahy

To mark Pentecost Sunday, Bishop Brendan Leahy of Limerick published a letter to the faithful. In his letter, Bishop Leahy said that Pentecost is a wonderful celebration of life. He referred to Tuesday 25 May being the third anniversary of the referendum on abortion. Bishop Leahy said, “As we gingerly step our way out of […]
Irish launch of year dedicated to the conversion of St Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits

Archbishop Dermot Farrell of Dublin has launched a year of celebrations to mark the conversion of St Ignatius, founder of the Jesuits. During a Mass celebrated by the Archbishop at St Francis Xavier’s Church, Gardiner Street, Dublin, on 20 May, Jesuit Provincial, Father Leonard Moloney preached on the story of St Ignatius’s conversion. He said, “500 […]
Archbishop Dermot Farrell expresses shock at shooting of Gardaí in Dublin

The Archbishop of Dublin Dermot Farrell has expressed his shock at the shooting of two gardaí in Dublin yesterday. The gardaí, understood to be plain clothes detectives, suffered non-life threatening gunshot wounds. In a statement issued this morning, Archbishop Farrell said, “I was shocked to hear of the shooting and injury of two Gardaí in west-Dublin […]
Pope Francis launches new Laudato Si’ platform

In his video message for the launch of the Laudato si’ Platform on Tuesday, Pope Francis notes that “with the Encyclical Laudato si’, promulgated in 2015, I invited all people of good will to take care of the Earth, which is our common home.” This “house that hosts us” has been suffering for a long time, from “the […]