Sunday 21st March
Please remember in your prayers
Please pray for William (Liam) Cronin, South Lodge, who has died.
Archbishop Dermot Farrell calls on authorities to prioritise ‘constitutional right to worship’

Archbishop Dermot Farrell celebrated Mass for Saint Patrick’s Day 2021 in Saint Patrick’s Church, Ringsend. During his homily, Archbishop Farrell spoke of the hardships Covid-19 has brought for people of faith. He said “This past year has been a tumultuous one for people of faith with all churches closed over many months for public worship. […]
Dr Jessie Rogers appointed first woman and lay Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University Maynooth

The President of Saint Patrick’s College, Maynooth, Rev Prof Michael Mullaney, has announced the appointment of Dr Jessie Rogers as the first woman and lay Dean of the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University Maynooth. Dr Rogers, originally South African, undertook her graduate studies at the University of Stellenbosch and came to Ireland in […]
Church Leaders’ St Patrick’s Day Message: ‘In Christ We Journey Together’

The leaders of Ireland’s main Churches have come together to issue a message on St Patrick’s Day that reflects on the 1921 centenaries and contains an invitation to wider civic society for further dialogue. Entitled ‘In Christ We Journey Together’, the theme chosen by the Church Leaders Group (Ireland) for their shared reflection on the […]